  • Joined on 2023-09-24
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Nudeldudel opened issue SelfPrivacy/

Maybe a bug: Missing Port 587 at Mail-Service

2023-09-28 07:43:02 +03:00

Nudeldudel commented on issue SelfPrivacy/

Allow users to host static webpage on the root domain

Ah, ok, this sounds good! I will be patient...

2023-09-28 07:36:25 +03:00

Nudeldudel commented on issue SelfPrivacy/

Allow users to host static webpage on the root domain

I want to reactivate this disscussion: NGINX works as a remote Proxy. As far, as good. the Top-domain has got an A Record but there is nothing to see. Somewhere there must be the directory,…

2023-09-27 12:20:27 +03:00