"""App tokens actions""" from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from pydantic import BaseModel from selfprivacy_api.utils.auth import ( delete_token, generate_recovery_token, get_recovery_token_status, get_tokens_info, is_recovery_token_exists, is_recovery_token_valid, is_token_name_exists, is_token_name_pair_valid, refresh_token, get_token_name, ) class TokenInfoWithIsCaller(BaseModel): """Token info""" name: str date: datetime is_caller: bool def get_api_tokens_with_caller_flag(caller_token: str) -> list[TokenInfoWithIsCaller]: """Get the tokens info""" caller_name = get_token_name(caller_token) tokens = get_tokens_info() return [ TokenInfoWithIsCaller( name=token.name, date=token.date, is_caller=token.name == caller_name, ) for token in tokens ] class NotFoundException(Exception): """Not found exception""" class CannotDeleteCallerException(Exception): """Cannot delete caller exception""" def delete_api_token(caller_token: str, token_name: str) -> None: """Delete the token""" if is_token_name_pair_valid(token_name, caller_token): raise CannotDeleteCallerException("Cannot delete caller's token") if not is_token_name_exists(token_name): raise NotFoundException("Token not found") delete_token(token_name) def refresh_api_token(caller_token: str) -> str: """Refresh the token""" new_token = refresh_token(caller_token) if new_token is None: raise NotFoundException("Token not found") return new_token class RecoveryTokenStatus(BaseModel): """Recovery token status""" exists: bool valid: bool date: Optional[datetime] = None expiration: Optional[datetime] = None uses_left: Optional[int] = None def get_api_recovery_token_status() -> RecoveryTokenStatus: """Get the recovery token status""" if not is_recovery_token_exists(): return RecoveryTokenStatus(exists=False, valid=False) status = get_recovery_token_status() if status is None: return RecoveryTokenStatus(exists=False, valid=False) is_valid = is_recovery_token_valid() return RecoveryTokenStatus( exists=True, valid=is_valid, date=status["date"], expiration=status["expiration"], uses_left=status["uses_left"], ) class InvalidExpirationDate(Exception): """Invalid expiration date exception""" class InvalidUsesLeft(Exception): """Invalid uses left exception""" def get_new_api_recovery_key( expiration_date: Optional[datetime] = None, uses_left: Optional[int] = None ) -> str: """Get new recovery key""" if expiration_date is not None: current_time = datetime.now().timestamp() if expiration_date.timestamp() < current_time: raise InvalidExpirationDate("Expiration date is in the past") if uses_left is not None: if uses_left <= 0: raise InvalidUsesLeft("Uses must be greater than 0") key = generate_recovery_token(expiration_date, uses_left) return key