"""Abstract class for a service running on a server""" from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from enum import Enum import typing from pydantic import BaseModel from selfprivacy_api.jobs import Job from selfprivacy_api.utils.block_devices import BlockDevice class ServiceStatus(Enum): """Enum for service status""" ACTIVE = "ACTIVE" RELOADING = "RELOADING" INACTIVE = "INACTIVE" FAILED = "FAILED" ACTIVATING = "ACTIVATING" DEACTIVATING = "DEACTIVATING" OFF = "OFF" class ServiceDnsRecord(BaseModel): type: str name: str content: str ttl: int priority: typing.Optional[int] = None class Service(ABC): """ Service here is some software that is hosted on the server and can be installed, configured and used by a user. """ @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_id() -> str: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_display_name() -> str: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_description() -> str: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_svg_icon() -> str: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_url() -> typing.Optional[str]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def is_movable() -> bool: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def is_required() -> bool: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def is_enabled() -> bool: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_status() -> ServiceStatus: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def enable(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def disable(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def stop(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def start(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def restart(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_configuration(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def set_configuration(config_items): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_logs(): pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_storage_usage() -> int: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_dns_records() -> typing.List[ServiceDnsRecord]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_location() -> str: pass @abstractmethod def move_to_volume(self, volume: BlockDevice) -> Job: pass