#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Backups management module""" import json import os import subprocess from flask import current_app from flask_restful import Resource, reqparse from selfprivacy_api.resources.services import api from selfprivacy_api.utils import WriteUserData class ListAllBackups(Resource): """List all restic backups""" def get(self): """ Get all restic backups --- tags: - Backups security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: 200: description: A list of snapshots 400: description: Bad request 401: description: Unauthorized """ bucket = current_app.config["B2_BUCKET"] backup_listing_command = [ "restic", "-r", f"rclone:backblaze:{bucket}/sfbackup", "snapshots", "--json", ] with subprocess.Popen( backup_listing_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as backup_listing_process_descriptor: snapshots_list = backup_listing_process_descriptor.communicate()[0] try: json.loads(snapshots_list.decode("utf-8")) except ValueError: return {"error": snapshots_list.decode("utf-8")}, 500 return json.loads(snapshots_list.decode("utf-8")) class AsyncCreateBackup(Resource): """Create a new restic backup""" def put(self): """ Initiate a new restic backup --- tags: - Backups security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: 200: description: Backup creation has started 400: description: Bad request 401: description: Unauthorized """ bucket = current_app.config["B2_BUCKET"] init_command = [ "restic", "-r", f"rclone:backblaze:{bucket}/sfbackup", "init", ] backup_command = [ "restic", "-r", f"rclone:backblaze:{bucket}/sfbackup", "--verbose", "--json", "backup", "/var", ] subprocess.call(init_command) with open("/tmp/backup.log", "w", encoding="utf-8") as log_file: subprocess.Popen( backup_command, shell=False, stdout=log_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) return { "status": 0, "message": "Backup creation has started", } class CheckBackupStatus(Resource): """Check current backup status""" def get(self): """ Get backup status --- tags: - Backups security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: 200: description: Backup status 400: description: Bad request 401: description: Unauthorized """ backup_status_check_command = ["tail", "-1", "/tmp/backup.log"] # If the log file does not exists if os.path.exists("/tmp/backup.log") is False: return {"message_type": "not_started", "message": "Backup not started"} with subprocess.Popen( backup_status_check_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as backup_status_check_process_descriptor: backup_process_status = ( backup_status_check_process_descriptor.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") ) try: json.loads(backup_process_status) except ValueError: return {"message_type": "error", "message": backup_process_status} return json.loads(backup_process_status) class AsyncRestoreBackup(Resource): """Trigger backup restoration process""" def put(self): """ Start backup restoration --- tags: - Backups security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: body required: true name: backup description: Backup to restore schema: type: object required: - backupId properties: backupId: type: string responses: 200: description: Backup restoration process started 400: description: Bad request 401: description: Unauthorized """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("backupId", type=str, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() bucket = current_app.config["B2_BUCKET"] backup_id = args["backupId"] backup_restoration_command = [ "restic", "-r", f"rclone:backblaze:{bucket}/sfbackup", "restore", backup_id, "--target", "/var", "--json", ] with open("/tmp/backup.log", "w", encoding="utf-8") as log_file: subprocess.Popen( backup_restoration_command, shell=False, stdout=log_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) return {"status": 0, "message": "Backup restoration procedure started"} class BackblazeConfig(Resource): """Backblaze config""" def put(self): """ Set the new key for backblaze --- tags: - Backups security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: body required: true name: backblazeSettings description: New Backblaze settings schema: type: object required: - accountId - accountKey - bucket properties: accountId: type: string accountKey: type: string bucket: type: string responses: 200: description: New Backblaze settings 400: description: Bad request 401: description: Unauthorized """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("accountId", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("accountKey", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("bucket", type=str, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() with WriteUserData() as data: data["backblaze"]["accountId"] = args["accountId"] data["backblaze"]["accountKey"] = args["accountKey"] data["backblaze"]["bucket"] = args["bucket"] return "New Backblaze settings saved" api.add_resource(ListAllBackups, "/restic/backup/list") api.add_resource(AsyncCreateBackup, "/restic/backup/create") api.add_resource(CheckBackupStatus, "/restic/backup/status") api.add_resource(AsyncRestoreBackup, "/restic/backup/restore") api.add_resource(BackblazeConfig, "/restic/backblaze/config")