import subprocess import json import datetime from typing import List from import Iterable from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError from selfprivacy_api.backup.backuper import AbstractBackuper from selfprivacy_api.models.backup.snapshot import Snapshot from import get_backup_job from import get_service_by_id from import Jobs, JobStatus from selfprivacy_api.backup.local_secret import LocalBackupSecret class ResticBackuper(AbstractBackuper): def __init__(self, login_flag: str, key_flag: str, type: str): self.login_flag = login_flag self.key_flag = key_flag self.type = type self.account = "" self.key = "" self.repo = "" def set_creds(self, account: str, key: str, repo: str): self.account = account self.key = key self.repo = repo def restic_repo(self) -> str: # # return f"rclone:{self.type}{self.repo}" def rclone_args(self): return "rclone.args=serve restic --stdio" + self.backend_rclone_args() def backend_rclone_args(self) -> str: acc_arg = "" key_arg = "" if self.account != "": acc_arg = f"{self.login_flag} {self.account}" if self.key != "": key_arg = f"{self.key_flag} {self.key}" return f"{acc_arg} {key_arg}" def _password_command(self): return f"echo {LocalBackupSecret.get()}" def restic_command(self, *args, branch_name: str = ""): command = [ "restic", "-o", self.rclone_args(), "-r", self.restic_repo(), "--password-command", self._password_command(), ] if branch_name != "": command.extend( [ "--tag", branch_name, ] ) if args != []: command.extend(ResticBackuper.__flatten_list(args)) return command @staticmethod def __flatten_list(list): """string-aware list flattener""" result = [] for item in list: if isinstance(item, Iterable) and not isinstance(item, str): result.extend(ResticBackuper.__flatten_list(item)) continue result.append(item) return result @staticmethod def output_yielder(command): with subprocess.Popen( command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) as handle: for line in iter(handle.stdout.readline, ""): if not "NOTICE:" in line: yield line def start_backup(self, folders: List[str], repo_name: str): """ Start backup with restic """ # but maybe it is ok to accept a union of a string and an array of strings assert not isinstance(folders, str) backup_command = self.restic_command( "backup", "--json", folders, branch_name=repo_name, ) messages = [] job = get_backup_job(get_service_by_id(repo_name)) try: for raw_message in ResticBackuper.output_yielder(backup_command): message = self.parse_message(raw_message, job) messages.append(message) return ResticBackuper._snapshot_from_backup_messages(messages, repo_name) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("could not create a snapshot: ", messages) from e @staticmethod def _snapshot_from_backup_messages(messages, repo_name) -> Snapshot: for message in messages: if message["message_type"] == "summary": return ResticBackuper._snapshot_from_fresh_summary(message, repo_name) raise ValueError("no summary message in restic json output") def parse_message(self, raw_message, job=None) -> object: message = self.parse_json_output(raw_message) if message["message_type"] == "status": if job is not None: # only update status if we run under some job Jobs.update( job, JobStatus.RUNNING, progress=int(message["percent_done"]), ) return message @staticmethod def _snapshot_from_fresh_summary(message: object, repo_name) -> Snapshot: return Snapshot( id=message["snapshot_id"],, service_name=repo_name, ) def init(self): init_command = self.restic_command( "init", ) with subprocess.Popen( init_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as process_handle: output = process_handle.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") if not "created restic repository" in output: raise ValueError("cannot init a repo: " + output) def is_initted(self) -> bool: command = self.restic_command( "check", "--json", ) with subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) as handle: output = handle.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") if not self.has_json(output): return False # raise NotImplementedError("error(big): " + output) return True def restored_size(self, repo_name, snapshot_id) -> float: """ Size of a snapshot """ command = self.restic_command( "stats", snapshot_id, "--json", ) with subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) as handle: output = handle.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") try: parsed_output = self.parse_json_output(output) return parsed_output["total_size"] except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("cannot restore a snapshot: " + output) from e def restore_from_backup(self, repo_name, snapshot_id, folders): """ Restore from backup with restic """ # snapshots save the path of the folder in the file system # I do not alter the signature yet because maybe this can be # changed with flags restore_command = self.restic_command( "restore", snapshot_id, "--target", "/", ) with subprocess.Popen( restore_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False ) as handle: # for some reason restore does not support nice reporting of progress via json output = handle.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") if "restoring" not in output: raise ValueError("cannot restore a snapshot: " + output) def _load_snapshots(self) -> object: """ Load list of snapshots from repository raises Value Error if repo does not exist """ listing_command = self.restic_command( "snapshots", "--json", ) with subprocess.Popen( listing_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as backup_listing_process_descriptor: output = backup_listing_process_descriptor.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") if "Is there a repository at the following location?" in output: raise ValueError("No repository! : " + output) try: return self.parse_json_output(output) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Cannot load snapshots: ") from e def get_snapshots(self) -> List[Snapshot]: """Get all snapshots from the repo""" snapshots = [] for restic_snapshot in self._load_snapshots(): snapshot = Snapshot( id=restic_snapshot["short_id"], created_at=restic_snapshot["time"], service_name=restic_snapshot["tags"][0], ) snapshots.append(snapshot) return snapshots def parse_json_output(self, output: str) -> object: starting_index = self.json_start(output) if starting_index == -1: raise ValueError("There is no json in the restic output : " + output) truncated_output = output[starting_index:] json_messages = truncated_output.splitlines() if len(json_messages) == 1: try: return json.loads(truncated_output) except JSONDecodeError as e: raise ValueError( "There is no json in the restic output : " + output ) from e result_array = [] for message in json_messages: result_array.append(json.loads(message)) return result_array def json_start(self, output: str) -> int: indices = [ output.find("["), output.find("{"), ] indices = [x for x in indices if x != -1] if indices == []: return -1 return min(indices) def has_json(self, output: str) -> bool: if self.json_start(output) == -1: return False return True