"""Tests configuration.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # pylint: disable=unused-argument import os import pytest from fastapi.testclient import TestClient import os.path as path import datetime # from selfprivacy_api.actions.api_tokens import TOKEN_REPO from selfprivacy_api.models.tokens.token import Token from selfprivacy_api.repositories.tokens.json_tokens_repository import ( JsonTokensRepository, ) from tests.common import read_json EMPTY_TOKENS_JSON = ' {"tokens": []}' TOKENS_FILE_CONTENTS = { "tokens": [ { "token": "TEST_TOKEN", "name": "test_token", "date": datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 14, 8, 31, 10, 789314), }, { "token": "TEST_TOKEN2", "name": "test_token2", "date": datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 14, 8, 31, 10, 789314), }, ] } def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): os.environ["TEST_MODE"] = "true" def global_data_dir(): return path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "data") @pytest.fixture def empty_tokens(mocker, tmpdir): tokenfile = tmpdir / "empty_tokens.json" with open(tokenfile, "w") as file: file.write(EMPTY_TOKENS_JSON) mocker.patch("selfprivacy_api.utils.TOKENS_FILE", new=tokenfile) assert read_json(tokenfile)["tokens"] == [] return tmpdir @pytest.fixture def empty_json_repo(empty_tokens): repo = JsonTokensRepository() for token in repo.get_tokens(): repo.delete_token(token) assert repo.get_tokens() == [] return repo @pytest.fixture def tokens_file(empty_json_repo, tmpdir): """A state with tokens""" for token in TOKENS_FILE_CONTENTS["tokens"]: empty_json_repo._store_token( Token( token=token["token"], device_name=token["name"], created_at=token["date"], ) ) # temporary return for compatibility with older tests tokenfile = tmpdir / "empty_tokens.json" assert path.exists(tokenfile) return tokenfile @pytest.fixture def jobs_file(mocker, shared_datadir): """Mock tokens file.""" mock = mocker.patch("selfprivacy_api.utils.JOBS_FILE", shared_datadir / "jobs.json") return mock @pytest.fixture def huey_database(mocker, shared_datadir): """Mock huey database.""" mock = mocker.patch( "selfprivacy_api.utils.huey.HUEY_DATABASE", shared_datadir / "huey.db" ) return mock @pytest.fixture def client(tokens_file, huey_database, jobs_file): from selfprivacy_api.app import app return TestClient(app) @pytest.fixture def authorized_client(tokens_file, huey_database, jobs_file): """Authorized test client fixture.""" from selfprivacy_api.app import app client = TestClient(app) client.headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer TEST_TOKEN"}) return client @pytest.fixture def wrong_auth_client(tokens_file, huey_database, jobs_file): """Wrong token test client fixture.""" from selfprivacy_api.app import app client = TestClient(app) client.headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer WRONG_TOKEN"}) return client