"""Wrapper for block device functions.""" import subprocess import json import typing from selfprivacy_api.utils import WriteUserData from selfprivacy_api.utils.singleton_metaclass import SingletonMetaclass def get_block_device(device_name): """ Return a block device by name. """ lsblk_output = subprocess.check_output( [ "lsblk", "-J", "-b", "-o", "NAME,PATH,FSAVAIL,FSSIZE,FSTYPE,FSUSED,MOUNTPOINTS,LABEL,UUID,SIZE,MODEL,SERIAL,TYPE", f"/dev/{device_name}", ] ) lsblk_output = lsblk_output.decode("utf-8") lsblk_output = json.loads(lsblk_output) return lsblk_output["blockdevices"][0] def resize_block_device(block_device) -> bool: """ Resize a block device. Return True if successful. """ resize_command = ["resize2fs", block_device] try: subprocess.check_output(resize_command, shell=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False return True class BlockDevice: """ A block device. """ def __init__(self, block_device): self.name = block_device["name"] self.path = block_device["path"] self.fsavail = str(block_device["fsavail"]) self.fssize = str(block_device["fssize"]) self.fstype = block_device["fstype"] self.fsused = str(block_device["fsused"]) self.mountpoints = block_device["mountpoints"] self.label = block_device["label"] self.uuid = block_device["uuid"] self.size = str(block_device["size"]) self.model = block_device["model"] self.serial = block_device["serial"] self.type = block_device["type"] self.locked = False def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return f"" def __eq__(self, other): return self.name == other.name def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name) def is_root(self) -> bool: """ Return True if the block device is the root device. """ return "/" in self.mountpoints def stats(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Update current data and return a dictionary of stats. """ device = get_block_device(self.name) self.fsavail = str(device["fsavail"]) self.fssize = str(device["fssize"]) self.fstype = device["fstype"] self.fsused = str(device["fsused"]) self.mountpoints = device["mountpoints"] self.label = device["label"] self.uuid = device["uuid"] self.size = str(device["size"]) self.model = device["model"] self.serial = device["serial"] self.type = device["type"] return { "name": self.name, "path": self.path, "fsavail": self.fsavail, "fssize": self.fssize, "fstype": self.fstype, "fsused": self.fsused, "mountpoints": self.mountpoints, "label": self.label, "uuid": self.uuid, "size": self.size, "model": self.model, "serial": self.serial, "type": self.type, } def resize(self): """ Resize the block device. """ if not self.locked: self.locked = True resize_block_device(self.path) self.locked = False def mount(self) -> bool: """ Mount the block device. """ with WriteUserData() as user_data: if "volumes" not in user_data: user_data["volumes"] = [] # Check if the volume is already mounted for volume in user_data["volumes"]: if volume["device"] == self.path: return False user_data["volumes"].append( { "device": self.path, "mountPoint": f"/volumes/{self.name}", "fsType": self.fstype, } ) return True def unmount(self) -> bool: """ Unmount the block device. """ with WriteUserData() as user_data: if "volumes" not in user_data: user_data["volumes"] = [] # Check if the volume is already mounted for volume in user_data["volumes"]: if volume["device"] == self.path: user_data["volumes"].remove(volume) return True return False class BlockDevices(metaclass=SingletonMetaclass): """Singleton holding all Block devices""" def __init__(self): self.block_devices = [] self.update() def update(self) -> None: """ Update the list of block devices. """ devices = [] lsblk_output = subprocess.check_output( [ "lsblk", "-J", "-b", "-o", "NAME,PATH,FSAVAIL,FSSIZE,FSTYPE,FSUSED,MOUNTPOINTS,LABEL,UUID,SIZE,MODEL,SERIAL,TYPE", ] ) lsblk_output = lsblk_output.decode("utf-8") lsblk_output = json.loads(lsblk_output) for device in lsblk_output["blockdevices"]: # Ignore devices with type "rom" if device["type"] == "rom": continue # Ignore iso9660 devices if device["fstype"] == "iso9660": continue if device["fstype"] is None: if "children" in device: for child in device["children"]: if child["fstype"] == "ext4": device = child break devices.append(device) # Add new devices and delete non-existent devices for device in devices: if device["name"] not in [ block_device.name for block_device in self.block_devices ]: self.block_devices.append(BlockDevice(device)) for block_device in self.block_devices: if block_device.name not in [device["name"] for device in devices]: self.block_devices.remove(block_device) def get_block_device(self, name: str) -> typing.Optional[BlockDevice]: """ Return a block device by name. """ for block_device in self.block_devices: if block_device.name == name: return block_device return None def get_block_devices(self) -> typing.List[BlockDevice]: """ Return a list of block devices. """ return self.block_devices def get_block_devices_by_mountpoint( self, mountpoint: str ) -> typing.List[BlockDevice]: """ Return a list of block devices with a given mountpoint. """ block_devices = [] for block_device in self.block_devices: if mountpoint in block_device.mountpoints: block_devices.append(block_device) return block_devices def get_root_block_device(self) -> BlockDevice: """ Return the root block device. """ for block_device in self.block_devices: if "/" in block_device.mountpoints: return block_device raise RuntimeError("No root block device found")