import 'dart:math'; var generator = PasswordGenerator(); String genPass() { generator.generate(8); return generator.getGeneratedValue(); } ///Generates a password. /// ///The password [_generatedValue] is of a specified length, including letters [_letterGen] of mixed cases, ///numbers [_numGen], and symbols[_symGen] depending on user choice. class PasswordGenerator { late bool _letterGen; late bool _numGen; late bool _symGen; late String _generatedValue; ///Constructor. /// ///[_letterGen] is true to make password generation possible from the opening of the application, and ///[_generatedValue] is intialized to the value below so the text containing it can be first generated ///upon users request PasswordGenerator() { _letterGen = true; _numGen = true; _symGen = false; _generatedValue = "Press Generate"; } ///Call to generate a value, of [n] length void generate(int n) { //Discards the old value _generatedValue = ""; ///Cannot generate a value without any character types selected if (!_letterGen && !_numGen && !_symGen) { _generatedValue = "No character type selected"; return; } ///'Randomly' selectes caracter type to generate and append [toAppend] to [_generatedValue] // ignore: unnecessary_statements for (n; n > 0; n--) { String? toAppend; var random = new Random(); ///loops until a valid character is generated, meaning the user has to check the character value ///to be generated. 'Randomly' picks a character type. while (toAppend == null) { int selector = random.nextInt(3); if (selector == 0) { toAppend = _generateLetter(); } else if (selector == 1) { toAppend = _generateNumber(); } else { toAppend = _generateSymbol(); } } _generatedValue += toAppend; toAppend = null; } } ///Generates a letter when called. String _generateLetter() { if (!_letterGen) return ''; ///Finds the integer value for the range between a-z and A-Z, with [base] UTF-16 value for lowercase letters and ///[baseUpper] UTF-16 value for uppercase letters int base = "a".codeUnitAt(0); int baseUpper = "A".codeUnitAt(0); int maxRand = ("z".codeUnitAt(0) - base) + 1; Random random = new Random(); ///Randomly selects between upper and lower case generation, randomly generates value from [maxRand], then adding base, ///which creates a UTF-16 encoded character to be converted into a string of one character between a-z/A-Z. ///This string is then returned. if (random.nextInt(2) == 0) { return String.fromCharCodes([random.nextInt(maxRand) + base]); } else { return String.fromCharCodes([random.nextInt(maxRand) + baseUpper]); } } ///Generates a number when called String? _generateNumber() { if (!_numGen) return null; ///Finds the integer value for the range between 0-9 int base = "0".codeUnitAt(0); int maxRand = ("9".codeUnitAt(0) - base) + 1; Random random = new Random(); ///Randomly generates value from [maxRand], then adding base, which creates a UTF-16 encoded character to be converted into a ///string of one character between 0-9. This string is then returned. return String.fromCharCodes([random.nextInt(maxRand) + base]); } ///Generates a symbol when called String? _generateSymbol() { if (!_symGen) return null; ///Finds the integer value for the range between symbols !-. ///(note) which includes symbols !"#$%&'()*+,=. int base = "!".codeUnitAt(0); int maxRand = (".".codeUnitAt(0) - base) + 1; Random random = new Random(); ///Randomly generates value from [maxRand], then adding base, which creates a UTF-16 encoded character to be ///converted into a string of one character between !-. . This string is then returned. return String.fromCharCodes([random.nextInt(maxRand) + base]); } ///Toggles letter generation void checkLetterGen(bool value) { _letterGen = value; } ///Toggles number generation void checkNumGen(bool value) { _numGen = value; } ///Toggles symbol generation void checkSymGen(bool value) { _symGen = value; } ///Returns the generated value to be used by generator app String getGeneratedValue() { return _generatedValue; } }