import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/config/get_it_config.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/volume_provider.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/rest_maps/server_providers/server_provider.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/api_maps/staging_options.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/disk_size.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_domain.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/server_details.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/hive/user.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/price.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_basic_info.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/server_provider_location.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/network_utils.dart'; import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/password_generator.dart'; class DigitalOceanApi extends ServerProviderApi with VolumeProviderApi { DigitalOceanApi({ required this.region, this.hasLogger = true, this.isWithToken = true, }); @override bool hasLogger; @override bool isWithToken; final String? region; @override BaseOptions get options { final BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(baseUrl: rootAddress); if (isWithToken) { final String? token = getIt().serverProviderKey; assert(token != null); options.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'}; } if (validateStatus != null) { options.validateStatus = validateStatus!; } return options; } @override String get rootAddress => ''; @override String get infectProviderName => 'digitalocean'; @override String get displayProviderName => 'Digital Ocean'; Future> isApiTokenValid(final String token) async { bool isValid = false; Response? response; String message = ''; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { response = await client.get( '/account', options: Options( followRedirects: false, validateStatus: (final status) => status != null && (status >= 200 || status == 401), headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'}, ), ); } catch (e) { print(e); isValid = false; message = e.toString(); } finally { close(client); } if (response == null) { return GenericResult( data: isValid, success: false, message: message, ); } if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) { isValid = true; } else if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.unauthorized) { isValid = false; } else { throw Exception('code: ${response.statusCode}'); } return GenericResult( data: isValid, success: true, message: response.statusMessage, ); } /// Hardcoded on their documentation and there is no pricing API at all /// Probably we should scrap the doc page manually Future getPricePerGb() async => Price( value: 0.10, currency: 'USD', ); Future> createVolume() async { ServerVolume? volume; Response? createVolumeResponse; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final List volumes = await getVolumes(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 6)); createVolumeResponse = await '/volumes', data: { 'size_gigabytes': 10, 'name': 'volume${StringGenerators.storageName()}', 'labels': {'labelkey': 'value'}, 'region': region, 'filesystem_type': 'ext4', }, ); final volumeId =['volume']['id']; final volumeSize =['volume']['size_gigabytes']; final volumeName =['volume']['name']; volume = ServerVolume( id: volumes.length, name: volumeName, sizeByte: volumeSize, serverId: null, linuxDevice: '/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_$volumeName', uuid: volumeId, ); } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( data: null, success: false, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { client.close(); } return GenericResult( data: volume, success: true, code: createVolumeResponse.statusCode, message: createVolumeResponse.statusMessage, ); } Future> getVolumes({final String? status}) async { final List volumes = []; final Response getVolumesResponse; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { getVolumesResponse = await client.get( '/volumes', queryParameters: { 'status': status, }, ); final List rawVolumes =['volumes']; int id = 0; for (final rawVolume in rawVolumes) { final volumeId = rawVolume['id']; final int volumeSize = rawVolume['size_gigabytes'] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; final volumeDropletIds = rawVolume['droplet_ids']; final String volumeName = rawVolume['name']; final volume = ServerVolume( id: id++, name: volumeName, sizeByte: volumeSize, serverId: volumeDropletIds.isNotEmpty ? volumeDropletIds[0] : null, linuxDevice: 'scsi-0DO_Volume_$volumeName', uuid: volumeId, ); volumes.add(volume); } } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { client.close(); } return volumes; } Future getVolume(final String volumeUuid) async { ServerVolume? requestedVolume; final List volumes = await getVolumes(); for (final volume in volumes) { if (volume.uuid == volumeUuid) { requestedVolume = volume; } } return requestedVolume; } Future deleteVolume(final ServerVolume volume) async { final Dio client = await getClient(); try { await client.delete('/volumes/${volume.uuid}'); } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { client.close(); } } Future> attachVolume( final ServerVolume volume, final int serverId, ) async { bool success = false; Response? attachVolumeResponse; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { attachVolumeResponse = await '/volumes/actions', data: { 'type': 'attach', 'volume_name':, 'region': region, 'droplet_id': serverId, }, ); success =['action']['status'].toString() != 'error'; } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( data: false, success: false, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult( data: success, success: true, code: attachVolumeResponse.statusCode, message: attachVolumeResponse.statusMessage, ); } Future detachVolume(final ServerVolume volume) async { bool success = false; final Response detachVolumeResponse; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { detachVolumeResponse = await '/volumes/actions', data: { 'type': 'detach', 'volume_name':, 'droplet_id': volume.serverId, 'region': region, }, ); success =['action']['status'].toString() != 'error'; } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { client.close(); } return success; } Future resizeVolume( final ServerVolume volume, final DiskSize size, ) async { bool success = false; final Response resizeVolumeResponse; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { resizeVolumeResponse = await '/volumes/actions', data: { 'type': 'resize', 'volume_name':, 'size_gigabytes': size.gibibyte, 'region': region, }, ); success =['action']['status'].toString() != 'error'; } catch (e) { print(e); } finally { client.close(); } return success; } Future> createServer({ required final String dnsApiToken, required final User rootUser, required final String domainName, required final String serverType, required final DnsProviderType dnsProvider, }) async { ServerHostingDetails? serverDetails; final String dbPassword = StringGenerators.dbPassword(); final String apiToken = StringGenerators.apiToken(); final String base64Password = base64.encode(utf8.encode(rootUser.password ?? 'PASS')); final String formattedHostname = getHostnameFromDomain(domainName); const String infectBranch = 'testing/digital-ocean'; final String stagingAcme = StagingOptions.stagingAcme ? 'true' : 'false'; final String dnsProviderType = dnsProviderToInfectName(dnsProvider); final String userdataString = "#cloud-config\nruncmd:\n- curl$infectBranch/nixos-infect | PROVIDER=$infectProviderName DNS_PROVIDER_TYPE=$dnsProviderType STAGING_ACME='$stagingAcme' DOMAIN='$domainName' LUSER='${rootUser.login}' ENCODED_PASSWORD='$base64Password' CF_TOKEN=$dnsApiToken DB_PASSWORD=$dbPassword API_TOKEN=$apiToken HOSTNAME=$formattedHostname bash 2>&1 | tee /tmp/infect.log"; print(userdataString); Response? serverCreateResponse; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Map data = { 'name': formattedHostname, 'size': serverType, 'image': 'ubuntu-20-04-x64', 'user_data': userdataString, 'region': region!, }; print('Decoded data: $data'); serverCreateResponse = await '/droplets', data: data, ); final int serverId =['droplet']['id']; final ServerVolume? newVolume = (await createVolume()).data; final bool attachedVolume = (await attachVolume(newVolume!, serverId)).data; String? ipv4; int attempts = 0; while (attempts < 5 && ipv4 == null) { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 20)); final List servers = await getServers(); for (final server in servers) { if ( == formattedHostname && server.ip != '') { ipv4 = server.ip; break; } } ++attempts; } if (attachedVolume && ipv4 != null) { serverDetails = ServerHostingDetails( id: serverId, ip4: ipv4, createTime:, volume: newVolume, apiToken: apiToken, provider: ServerProviderType.digitalOcean, ); } } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult( data: serverDetails, success: true, code: serverCreateResponse.statusCode, message: serverCreateResponse.statusMessage, ); } Future> deleteServer(final int serverId) async { final Dio client = await getClient(); try { await client.delete('/droplets/$serverId'); } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: null); } Future> restart(final int serverId) async { final Dio client = await getClient(); try { await '/droplets/$serverId/actions', data: { 'type': 'reboot', }, ); } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: null); } Future> powerOn(final int serverId) async { final Dio client = await getClient(); try { await '/droplets/$serverId/actions', data: { 'type': 'power_on', }, ); } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: null, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: null); } Future> getMetricsCpu( final int serverId, final DateTime start, final DateTime end, ) async { List metrics = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Response response = await client.get( '/monitoring/metrics/droplet/cpu', queryParameters: { 'start': '${(start.microsecondsSinceEpoch / 1000000).round()}', 'end': '${(end.microsecondsSinceEpoch / 1000000).round()}', 'host_id': '$serverId', }, ); metrics =['data']['result']; } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: [], message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: metrics); } Future> getMetricsBandwidth( final int serverId, final DateTime start, final DateTime end, final bool isInbound, ) async { List metrics = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Response response = await client.get( '/monitoring/metrics/droplet/bandwidth', queryParameters: { 'start': '${(start.microsecondsSinceEpoch / 1000000).round()}', 'end': '${(end.microsecondsSinceEpoch / 1000000).round()}', 'host_id': '$serverId', 'interface': 'public', 'direction': isInbound ? 'inbound' : 'outbound', }, ); metrics =['data']['result'][0]['values']; } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: [], message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: metrics); } Future> getServers() async { List servers = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Response response = await client.get('/droplets'); servers =; } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( success: false, data: servers, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(success: true, data: servers); } Future> getAvailableLocations() async { List locations = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Response response = await client.get( '/regions', ); locations =!['regions']; } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( data: [], success: false, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(data: locations, success: true); } Future> getAvailableServerTypes() async { List types = []; final Dio client = await getClient(); try { final Response response = await client.get( '/sizes', ); types =!['sizes']; } catch (e) { print(e); return GenericResult( data: [], success: false, message: e.toString(), ); } finally { close(client); } return GenericResult(data: types, success: true); } }