part of 'backups_cubit.dart'; class BackupsState extends ServerInstallationDependendState { const BackupsState({ this.isInitialized = false, this.backups = const [], this.preventActions = true, this.refreshTimer = const Duration(seconds: 60), this.refreshing = true, this.autobackupPeriod, this.backblazeBucket, this.autobackupQuotas, }); final bool isInitialized; final List backups; final bool preventActions; final Duration refreshTimer; final bool refreshing; final Duration? autobackupPeriod; final BackblazeBucket? backblazeBucket; final AutobackupQuotas? autobackupQuotas; List serviceBackups(final String serviceId) => backups .where((final backup) => backup.serviceId == serviceId) .toList(growable: false); @override List get props => [ isInitialized, backups, preventActions, refreshTimer, refreshing, ]; BackupsState copyWith({ final bool? isInitialized, final List? backups, final bool? preventActions, final Duration? refreshTimer, final bool? refreshing, final Duration? autobackupPeriod, final BackblazeBucket? backblazeBucket, final AutobackupQuotas? autobackupQuotas, }) => BackupsState( isInitialized: isInitialized ?? this.isInitialized, backups: backups ?? this.backups, preventActions: preventActions ?? this.preventActions, refreshTimer: refreshTimer ?? this.refreshTimer, refreshing: refreshing ?? this.refreshing, // The autobackupPeriod might be null, so if the duration is set to 0, we // set it to null. autobackupPeriod: autobackupPeriod?.inSeconds == 0 ? null : autobackupPeriod ?? this.autobackupPeriod, backblazeBucket: backblazeBucket ?? this.backblazeBucket, autobackupQuotas: autobackupQuotas ?? this.autobackupQuotas, ); }