useful commands for diagnostics

Alexander Tomokhov 2023-06-30 19:32:42 +04:00
parent 069f98ce34
commit 57daae7466
1 changed files with 15 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ What NixOS does - it generates systemd configuration files in accordance to NixO
## overview of systemd services integration within NixOS configuration
NixOS features lots of systemd services, which are ready to use (without even knowing what systemd is) just by setting appropriate options in `configuration.nix`. For example, write `services.netdata.enable = true;` to enable [Netdata]( monitoring service. Documentation for all related options can be found on the [website]( or in `man configuration.nix` (also in `man home-configuration.nix` for [managing desktop]( user services). Often many useful high-level tunables are available as `services.<name>.*` options.
NixOS features lots of systemd services, which are ready to use (without even knowing what systemd is) just by setting appropriate options in `configuration.nix`. For example, write `services.netdata.enable = true;` to enable [Netdata]( monitoring service. Documentation for all related options can be found on the [website]( or in `man configuration.nix` _(also in `man home-configuration.nix` for [managing desktop]( user services)_. Often many useful high-level tunables are available as `services.<name>.*` options.
When services, provided by NixOS, are insufficient or additional tuning is demanded, `<name>.*` set of options comes into play. They allow to define custom systemd services or modify existing ones. Regardless of the origin of a systemd service (provided by NixOS or written by yourself), `systemd` native directives for sections such as `[Unit]` and `[Service]` can be specified accordingly in the following [nix attribute sets](
* `[Unix]`: `<name>.unitConfig = { SYSTEMD_DIRECTIVE = VALUE; ... }`
* `[Service]`: `<name>.serviceConfig = { SYSTEMD_DIRECTIVE = VALUE; ... }`
String values must be enclosed in double quotes. Boolean values are written as `true` and `false`. This is just [Nix syntax](
String values must be enclosed in double quotes. Boolean values are written as `true` and `false`. This is just [Nix language syntax](
`[Install]` section directives such as `Alias`, `WantedBy` and `RequiredBy` can be specified as [nix lists]( in:
@ -180,15 +180,20 @@ _By specifying `1`, we're instructing `iptables` to insert the rule at the begin
## testing, monitoring, analyzing
### basic systemd commands for diagnostics
### some useful commands for diagnostics of systemd services
- `systemctl status`, `systemctl restart`, `systemctl cat`, `htop` tree
`systemd-analyze`'s words "`SAFE`", "`EXPOSED`" and "`UNSAFE`" do not mean the factual situation, rather whether various systemd hardedning features are in use or not.
To monitor systemd service output in real time, you can use `journalctl -u nginx -f` (by analogy with `tail -f`).
In case you want to see logs only for previous boot, use `-1`, like here `journalctl -b-1 -u nginx`.
- `systemctl list-unit-files` - list of all units with their current status
- `systemctl start <name>`
- `systemctl restart <name>`
- `systemctl stop <name>`
- `systemctl status <name>` - unit state, started/stopped timestamps , running processes, etc
- `systemctl cat <name>` - contents of a systemd unit file, generated by NixOS
- `systemctl show <name>` - actual properties of a systemd unit in effect
- `journalctl -u <name> -f` - to monitor systemd service output in real time (by analogy with `tail -f`)
- `journalctl -b-1 -u <name>` - in case you want to see logs only for previous boot
- `systemd-analyze security` - show security summary for all running services ("`SAFE`", "`EXPOSED`" and "`UNSAFE`" do not mean the factual situation, rather whether various systemd hardedning features are in use or not)
- `systemd-analyze security <name>` - show more detailed analysis for the specified service
- `htop` using tree view (`F5`) - to inspect the whole tree of processes/threads
### cgroups