Get a limit in nextcloud share #14

opened 2023-11-04 23:50:05 +02:00 by def · 0 comments


I get a limit in nextcloud share, i get that too many request from this device.
Do you know how to change this? up the limit or even remove it?


The limit only applies to specific IPs, and it shouldn't affect other people who do not share a network with you.
There should be an option to remove the ongoing limit via SSH with nextcloud-occ security:bruteforce:reset x.x.x.x, replacing the last part with your IP.


Specify this nuance in the documentation ?

### Problem: I get a limit in nextcloud share, i get that too many request from this device. Do you know how to change this? up the limit or even remove it? ### Solution: The limit only applies to specific IPs, and it shouldn't affect other people who do not share a network with you. There should be an option to remove the ongoing limit via SSH with nextcloud-occ security:bruteforce:reset x.x.x.x, replacing the last part with your IP. ### Сonclusion: Specify this nuance in the documentation ?
def added the
labels 2023-11-04 23:51:01 +02:00
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