docs: Add brief list of critical packages for Linux build

Since I always forget what implicit dependencies this application has, maybe we need better documentation structure
NaiJi ✨ 2022-11-03 00:50:36 +04:00
parent 667c59e93e
commit 6d548ce197
1 changed files with 7 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ Application will do the following things for you:
Supported platforms are Android, Linux, and Windows. We are looking forward to support iOS and macOS builds.
For Linux builds, make sure you have these packages installed:
|pacman -S ninja xdg-user-dirs gnome-keyring unzip xz-utils zip|apt install ninja-build xdg-user-dirs gnome-keyring unzip xz-utils zip|
Install [Flutter]( and [Android SDK tools](, then try your setup:
flutter pub get