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# UI strings. Buttons and similar.
other = "السابق"
other = "التالي"
other = "إقرأ المزيد"
other = "ابحث في هذا الموقع"
# Used in sentences such as "Posted in News"
other = "في"
# Footer text
other = "كافة الحقوق محفوظة"
other = "سياسة الخصوصية"
# Post (blog, articles etc.)
other = "الكاتب"
other = "منشئة"
other = "اخر تعديل"
other = "عدل هذه الصفحة"
other = " أنشئ صفحة فرعية"
other = "أنشئ مسألة حول الوثائق"
other = "أنشئ مسألة حول المشروع"
other = "منشور في"
other = "minute read"
other = "less than a minute"
# Print support
other = "هذا العرض يتضمن عدة صفحات للطباعة ضمن هذا القسم."
other = "اضغط هنا للطباعة"
other = "العودة للعرض العادي"
other = "اطبع القسم كاملا"
# Community
other = "Join the {{ .Site.Title }} community"
other = "{{ .Site.Title }} is an open source project that anyone in the community can use, improve, and enjoy. We'd love you to join us! Here's a few ways to find out what's happening and get involved."
other = "Learn and Connect"
other = "Using or want to use {{ .Site.Title }}? Find out more here:"
other = "Develop and Contribute"
other = "If you want to get more involved by contributing to {{ .Site.Title }}, join us here:"
other = "You can find out how to contribute to {{ .Site.Title }} in our"
other = "Contribution Guidelines"