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"test": "en-test",
"basis": {
"_comment": "базовые элементы интерфейса",
"providers": "Провайдеры",
"services": "Сервисы",
"users": "Пользователи",
"more": "Еще",
"next": "Далее",
"got_it": "Понял"
"more": {
"_comment": "Элементы на странице еще",
"configuration_wizard": "Мастер Подключения",
"settings": "Настройки приложения",
"about_project": "О проекте SelfPrivacy",
"about_app": "О приложении",
"onboarding": "Onboarding",
"console": "Console"
"onboarding": {
"_comment": "страницы онбординга",
"page1_title": "Digital independence, available to all of us.",
"page1_text": "Mail, VPN, Messenger, social network and much more on your private server, under your control.",
"page2_title": "SelfPrivacy is not a cloud, but your personal datacenter.",
"page2_text": "SelfPrivacy works only with your provider accounts: Hetzner, Cloudflare, Backblaze. If you do not own those, we'll help you to create them."
"providers": {
"_comment": "вкладка провайдеры",
"page_title": "Your Data Center",
"server": {
"card_title": "Сервер"
"domain": {
"card_title": "Домен"
"backup": {
"card_title": "Резервное копирование"
"not_ready_card": {
"1": "Завершите настройку приложения используя ",
"2": "@:more.configuration_wizard",
"3": " для продолжения работы"