• Joined on 2023-06-14
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weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-11-20 16:24:08 +02:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-11-20 00:02:59 +02:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-11-13 12:25:54 +02:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-11-06 17:12:50 +02:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-21 17:44:19 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-15 22:52:13 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-11 20:52:11 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-09 12:41:36 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-09 02:16:04 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-06 23:37:40 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

  • 7780f62955 Added translation using Weblate (Hebrew)

2023-10-05 17:41:54 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-03 20:58:03 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-02 20:11:08 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-10-02 20:10:59 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-09-27 20:52:07 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-09-26 20:26:49 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-09-26 20:26:35 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-09-26 17:58:33 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-09-22 15:52:06 +03:00

weblate pushed to translations at SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy.org.app

2023-09-19 01:54:12 +03:00