Translated using Weblate (Polish)

Currently translated at 100.0% (5 of 5 strings)

Translation: SelfPrivacy/SelfPrivacy App Markdown: about
Mithras 2023-04-28 14:37:33 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 17e59e04bd
commit 5e7c6d63c2
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
More and more corporations want to control our data.
We want to have full control of our **data** on our own.
### Our mission
### Misja projektu
Digital independence and privacy, available to everyone
Niezależność i prywatność cyfrowa dostępna dla wszystkich
### Target
### Cel
Develop the program, which will allow everyone to deploy their private services for themselves and their neighbours.
Opracuj program, dzięki któremu każdy będzie mógł stworzyć prywatne usługi dla siebie i swoich bliskich.