• 0.11.0 1684d60a54

    0.11.0 Stable

    inex released this 2024-03-14 21:33:15 +02:00 | 119 commits to master since this release

    0.11.0 Changelog



    • Enabled the following languages:

      • Arabic
      • Estonian
      • Kazakh
      • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Server management: Add ssh settings (#477)

    • UI: Server settings is now a separate screen (#477)

    • UI: The new About page now contains links to our support channels (#464, resolves #339 and #170)

    • Jobs: Now you can track the result of jobs, and the progress of the server rebuilds and upgrades (#440, resolves #254)

    • UI: On iOS, use the Curpentino bottom navbar (#483)

    • UI: Use Curpentino widgets where possible on iOS (#483)

    • Jobs: Block starting client-side jobs when the server is rebuilding or moving a service (#477)

    • UI: On the bottom bar, show all labels, not only the selected one (#458, resolves #454)

    • UI: Move provider card titles to the top row (#449, resolves #448)

    • Unified management of API connection to the server: the app should be now more reactive to changes (#440)

    • UI: Onboarding page now looks better on big screens (#444)

    Bug Fixes

    • UI: Card titles no longer overflow on small screens (#483, resolves #476)
    • DNS: Detect the situation when we have faulty link-local IPv6 records (#473)
    • DNS: Do not include faulty link-local DNS records in the list of found records (#475)
    • UI: Fix the empty server confirmation screen during recovery (#474)
    • UI: Fix the misleading value of "Do not verify TLS" (#468)
    • Jobs: When you return the server settings value back, the job to change the setting is deleted (#440, resolves #166)
    • Jobs: When removing all completed jobs, optimistically delete them in UI first (#440, resolves #277)


    • Binds migration screen is now in Developer settings, as it is no longer needed on API 3.0, but might still be helpful for stuck servers.
    • Remove the server deletion function (#484)

    Translation contributions

    • Kazakh

      • TabithiS (133)
    • Chinese (Simplified)

      • Nil (545)
    • Polish

      • TabithiS (52)
    • Russian

      • Inex Code (43)
    • Hebrew

      • Yaron (17)
    • Estonian

      • Dmitri B. (536)
    • German

      • Inex Code (14)
        • Based on anonymous suggestions
    • Ukrainian

      • Nagibator Nagibuchiy (18)
      • TabithiS (26)
      • Meko (93)
    • Arabic

      • Deem Alosili (656)
  • 0.10.1 418d96b842

    0.10.1 Stable

    inex released this 2024-02-07 12:48:41 +02:00 | 255 commits to master since this release


    • Enabled the following languages:
      • Azerbaijani
      • Belarusian
      • Hebrew
      • Latvian
      • Macedonian
      • Slovak
      • Slovenian

    Bug Fixes

    • Hetzner: Fixed an issue where could not resize a volume on Hetzner (#456, resolves #455)
    • DNS: Make sure that we notice domain ownership lost (#441, resolves #390)
  • 0.10.0 1ee02b7433

    0.10.0 Stable

    inex released this 2024-01-19 16:52:07 +02:00 | 266 commits to master since this release


    • Server installation: New NixOS version is used during server setup (#415)
      • It is also possible to set a root SSH key during server setup. This feature can be activated in developer settings.
    • DNS management: DNS records creation dynamically gets desired records from the server now (#424, resolves #265)
    • UI: Add the button to copy password on the new user creation screen (#409, resolves #299)
    • UI: Add animation to the recovery key screen (#410, resolves #164)
    • Backups: Bucket name now includes the date of creation (#403, resolves #263)
    • UI: Snapshots List page now shows the button to open the Jobs sheet (#396, resolves #290)
    • Server installation: Implement better domain ownership check during installation (#394, resolves #389)
    • UI: Implement flexible precision formatting for prices (#387)

    Bug Fixes

    • UI: Domain name no longer overflows the screen (#422, resolves #408)
    • UI: Fix overflow of the filled buttons
    • Hetzner: Filter away ARM architecture from available servers (#404, resolves #402)
    • UI: Add refresh indicator on the 'Devices' screen (#398, resolves #258 and #163)
    • GraphQL API: Force DateTime to UTC when timezone naive (#386, resolves #385)


    • Updated the copyright year (#417)
      • Happy new year!
    • Upgrade to Flutter 3.16.1
    • Rename the Recovery flow button to prevent user confusion (#399, resolves #346)
    • GraphQL API: Remove and replace deprecated mutations (#423, resolves #418)

    Translation contributions

    • French

      • smtg (12)
    • Spanish

      • NaiJi (35)
    • German

      • Marvin F (23)
      • User 1234 (30)
    • Hebrew

      • Yaron (578)
    • Russian

      • def (4)
      • NaiJi (9)
      • Inex Code (10)
  • 0.9.1 98741e0a3a

    0.9.1 Stable

    inex released this 2023-10-09 12:42:41 +03:00 | 402 commits to master since this release

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix volume resizing on Digital Ocean (#368, resolves #367)
    • Disable the storage card while volume information is being fetched (#369, resolves #317)


    • Add copy-to-clipboard for email on user page (#329, resolves #287)
    • Add support for ECDSA SSH keys (#362, resolves #319)
    • Implement confirmation modal for the volume resize (#372, resolves #308)

    Other changes

    • Move service descriptions above login info for service cards (#342, resolves #341)
    • Add measure units to 'Extending volume' page (#344, resolves #301)
    • Make users to be ordered properly on users page (#343, resolves #340)
    • Move service card name to its icon row (#352, resolves #350)
    • Reorganize placeholders for empty pages (#359, resolves #348)
    • Remove redundant zone id cache for Cloudflare (#371)
  • 0.9.0 eb92a8ee56

    0.9.0 Stable

    inex released this 2023-09-10 15:23:47 +03:00 | 443 commits to master since this release


    • New backups implementation (#228, #274, #324, #325, #326, #331, #332)
    • DigitalOcean as a DNS provider (#213)
    • DeSEC as a DNS provider (#211)
    • Support drawer and basic support documentation logic unit (#203)
    • Automatic day/night theme (#203)
    • New router and adaptive layouts (#203)
    • New Material 3 animation curves (#203)
    • Jobs button to the app bar of more screens (#203)
    • Refreshed UI of modal sheets (#228)
    • Support for XDG_DATA_HOME storage path on Linux for app data (#240)
    • Accept-Language header for the server API (#243, resolves #205)
    • Visible providers names during server recovery (#264, resolves #249)
    • Visible volume and IPv4 cost added to overall monthly cost of the server (#270, resolves #115)
    • Support for autofocus on text fields for keyboard displaying (#294, resolves #292)
    • New dialogue to choose a domain if user DNS token provides access to several (#330, resolves #328)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix opening URLs from the app (#213)
    • Fix parsing of RAM size with DigitalOcean (#200, resolves #199)
    • Devices and Recovery Key cubits couldn't initialize right after server installation (#203)
    • Fix BottomBar showing incorrect animation when navigating from sibling routes (#203)
    • PopUpDialogs couldn't find the context. (#203)
    • Update recovery flow to use new support drawer (#203)
    • New app log console (#203)
    • Improve installation failure dialogues (#213)
    • Privacy policy link pointed at wrong domain (#207)
    • Remove price lists for DNS (#211)
    • Implement better domain id check on DNS restoration (#211)
    • Add forced JSON content type to REST APIs (#212)
    • Remove unneded DNS check depending on CLOUDFLARE (#212)
    • Add background for dialogue pop ups and move them to root navigator (#233, resolves #231)
    • Make currency be properly shown again via shortcode (#234, related to #223)
    • Add proper server type value loading (#236, resolves #215)
    • Implement proper load functions for DNS and Server providers (#237, resolves #220)
    • Prevent moving a service if volume is null for some reason (#245)
    • Replace hard reset from server provider with direct server reboot (#269, resolves #266)
    • Normalize Hetzner CPU usage percentage by cached amount of cores (#272, resolves #156)
    • Change broken validations string for superuser SSH (#276)
    • Don't let service migration to start bif the same volume was picked (#297, resolves #289)
    • Wrap DNS check in catch to avoid runtime crash (#322)
    • Implement Backblaze bucket restoration on server recovery (#324)


    • Migrate to Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0
    • Migrate to AutoRouter v6 (#203)
    • Get rid of BrandText and restructure the buttons (#203)
    • Remove brand alert dialogs and bottom sheet (#203)
    • Remove unused UI components (#203)
    • Remove BrandCards (#203)
    • Allow changing values for TLS settings
    • Replace String shortcode with Currency class (#226)
    • Rearrange Server Provider interface (#227)
    • Remove unused service state getters (#228)
    • Remove unused utils, add duration formatter (#228)
    • Move rest api methods according to their business logic files positions (#235, partially resolves #217 and #219)
    • Make flag getter a part of server provider location object (#238, resolves #222)

    Translation contributions

    • Ukrainian

      • FoxMeste (3)
      • Mithras (31)
    • Latvian

      • Not Telling Lol (183)
    • German

      • Mithras (41)
      • FoxMeste (213)
    • Thai

      • FoxMeste (77)
    • Polish

      • Mithras (41)
      • Thary (43)
      • FoxMeste (163)
    • Slovenian

      • Mithras (212)
    • Czech

      • NaiJi (2)
      • Mithras (109)
      • FoxMeste (308)
    • Russian

      • FoxMeste (4)
      • Revertron (8)
      • NaiJi (23)
      • Mithras (54)
      • Inex Code (59)
    • Slovak

      • Mithras (29)
      • Revertron (396)
    • Macedonian

      • FoxMeste (7)
    • Belarusian

      • Thary (1)
      • FoxMeste (3)
      • Mithras (47)
    • French

      • Côme (211)
    • Spanish

      • FoxMeste (7)
    • Azerbaijani

      • Mithras (28)
      • Ortibexon (403)
  • 0.8.0 74df5480df

    0.8.0 Stable

    alya released this 2023-02-09 06:10:52 +02:00 | 935 commits to master since this release

    Server setup:

    • Added support for Digital Ocean as server provider
    • You can now choose server region
    • You can now choose server tier
    • Server installation UI has been refreshed
    • Fields now have more specific error messages

    Common UI:

    • New app bar used in most of the screens


    • Services are now sorted by their status

    Server settings:

    • Timezone search screen now has a search bar
    • Fixed job creation when switching the setting multiple times
    • Server destruction now works


    • Jobs panel now should take slightly less space


    • Recovery key page can now be reloaded by dragging down


    • Log console now has a limit of 500 lines
    • GraphQL API requests are now logged in the console
    • Networks errors are better handled

    For developers:

    • App now only uses GraphQL API to communicate with the server. All REST API calls have been removed.
    • Server can now be deployed with staging ACME certificates
    • Language assets have been reorganized


    • Added translation for Ukrainian
    • Also activated unfinished translations for German, French, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Thai
  • 0.7.0 46398f1391

    0.7.0 Stable

    alya released this 2022-09-20 13:17:32 +03:00 | 1149 commits to master since this release

    • You are now able to monitor disk usage from the app;
    • Server volume can be extended;
    • Services can be moved between server volumes;
    • We've redesigned the server details screen;
    • Server auto upgrade and timezone settings are working now;
    • New redesigned user details screen, you are now able to reset user's password;
    • Fixed bugs related to users synchronization;
    • Initial support for the new dynamic service control system, which will allow us update the list of available services without updating the app itself;
    • App can now track some types of the long-running jobs which are performed on the server itself.
    • Backups screen is temporarily removed until we make sure it is safe to use;
    • Minor UI changes;
    • Minor bug fixes

    Migration to the new disk management system

    To use the new disk management features properly you have to perform the migration. Go to the “More” tab and tap on the “Start migration” button.

  • 0.7.0-test 59d20f8789

    0.7.0-test Pre-release

    alya released this 2022-09-20 08:43:32 +03:00 | 1154 commits to master since this release

  • 0.6.0-test cc554878d9

    0.6.0-test Pre-release

    alya released this 2022-09-16 00:04:46 +03:00 | 1179 commits to master since this release

  • 0.6.0 7bb323d127

    0.6.0 Stable

    alya released this 2022-09-02 18:17:51 +03:00 | 1343 commits to master since this release

    • Added support for multi-device server access from SelfPrivacy app.
    • You can now create recovery token to regain the access to the server if you lose your device or the app's data.
    • You can now connect to an existing server, instead of creating a new one.
    • Initial support for Material Design 3 (Material You).
    • App now uses your system colors on Android 12 (Material You), Windows 10 (accent color) and Linux (GTK colors).
    • Minor bug fixes.