Inex Code 1bde176612 feat(translations): Activate support for some languages
Languages being activated are:
- Ukrainian
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Czech
- Polish
- Thai

Translation which are not finished will fall back to English.
2023-02-01 01:57:55 +03:00
config feat(translations): Activate support for some languages 2023-02-01 01:57:55 +03:00
illustrations style: Linting 2022-12-31 07:50:43 +03:00
logic chore: Disable staging ACME 2022-12-31 08:13:28 +03:00
theming/factory refactor(initializing): Refresh the server istallation UI 2022-12-31 07:16:10 +03:00
ui refactor(ui): Remove SafeArea where they are not needed 2023-02-01 01:40:42 +03:00
utils fix(ui): Deduplicated launch_url functions 2023-02-01 01:11:50 +03:00
main.dart chore: Merge master into digital-ocean 2022-10-26 20:41:45 +04:00