• Joined on 2022-10-14
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houkime pushed to deploy at houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-26 15:34:26 +03:00

houkime pushed to master at houkime/selfprivacy-nix-repo

2022-10-26 15:29:55 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

bumping python to 3.10 passes this obstacle but is blocked by anyio ``` No matching distribution found for anyio<5,>=3.4.0 ```

2022-10-15 19:32:06 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

The unbreaking tool works, so migrating tests is not the problem. However, one needs to sync this change of tests with bumping statlette in nix. Bumping starlette will require bumping python…

2022-10-15 19:25:36 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

0.21.0 of starlette has landed 19 days ago and was a compatibility breaking release. they provide a migration tool to make un-breaking the tests easier. https://github.com/encode/starlette/releas…

2022-10-15 17:21:00 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

definition of the test client is in `starlette` package ```python def delete( # type: ignore[override] self, url: httpx._types.URLTypes, *, params:…

2022-10-15 17:08:10 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

the offending lines ``` response = authorized_client.delete( "/auth/tokens", json={"token_name": "test_token2"} ) ```

2022-10-15 17:04:56 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

``` FAILED test_rest_endpoints/test_auth.py::test_delete_token - TypeError: TestClient.delete() got an unexpected keyword argument 'json' FAILED test_rest_endpoints/test_auth.py::test_delete_self…

2022-10-15 17:00:56 +03:00

houkime opened issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Failing test_delete_token

2022-10-15 16:54:02 +03:00

houkime pushed to master at houkime/selfprivacy-nix-repo

2022-10-14 16:21:05 +03:00

houkime created repository houkime/selfprivacy-nix-repo

2022-10-14 16:05:40 +03:00

houkime created repository houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-14 16:05:15 +03:00