• Joined on 2022-10-14
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houkime commented on pull request SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#19


addressed, also see above

2022-11-02 16:00:32 +02:00

houkime commented on pull request SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#19


I did hardcode backblaze and no longer require the provider field as requested.

2022-11-02 15:59:52 +02:00

houkime commented on pull request SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#19


I kept the `backup` internal name since it does not technically change the interface. Please tell me if it is not ok.

2022-11-02 15:58:56 +02:00

houkime commented on pull request SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#19



2022-11-02 15:56:17 +02:00

houkime commented on pull request SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#19



2022-11-02 15:55:43 +02:00

houkime pushed to houkime-providers-api at houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-11-02 15:54:16 +02:00

houkime pushed to houkime-providers-api at houkime/selfprivacy-nixos-config

  • 63bb533058 migrate to new dns, vps provider and backup json storage

2022-10-31 21:11:17 +02:00

houkime created branch houkime-providers-api in houkime/selfprivacy-nixos-config

2022-10-31 21:06:00 +02:00

houkime pushed to houkime-providers-api at houkime/selfprivacy-nixos-config

2022-10-31 21:06:00 +02:00

houkime created repository houkime/selfprivacy-nixos-config

2022-10-31 21:04:48 +02:00

houkime created pull request SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#19

WIP: houkime-providers-api

2022-10-31 19:04:26 +02:00

houkime created branch houkime-providers-api in houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-31 19:00:19 +02:00

houkime pushed to houkime-providers-api at houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-31 19:00:19 +02:00

houkime pushed to deploy at houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-28 14:34:24 +03:00

houkime pushed to deploy at houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

  • cbf9a4391b add providers to the list of migrations

2022-10-28 13:19:07 +03:00

houkime pushed to master at houkime/selfprivacy-nix-repo

2022-10-26 15:50:57 +03:00

houkime created branch deploy in houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-26 15:34:26 +03:00

houkime pushed to deploy at houkime/selfprivacy-rest-api

2022-10-26 15:34:26 +03:00

houkime pushed to master at houkime/selfprivacy-nix-repo

2022-10-26 15:29:55 +03:00

houkime commented on issue SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api#16

Compatibility-breaking starlette 0.21 -> failing test_delete_token

bumping python to 3.10 passes this obstacle but is blocked by anyio ``` No matching distribution found for anyio<5,>=3.4.0 ```

2022-10-15 19:32:06 +03:00