style: Remove misleading code comment #244

NaiJi merged 1 commits from clipboard-key into master 2023-07-25 22:50:14 +03:00
1 changed files with 0 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ class _CopyEncryptionKeyModalState extends State<CopyEncryptionKeyModal> {
copiedToClipboard = true;
// Make a timer to reset the copyToClipboardTime
NaiJi marked this conversation as resolved

Are you sure this is a good way to remove the comment? There are many other ways to describe this block of code. We shouldn't forget to provide healthy criticism. Criticism may also refer to an expression of disapproval of someone or something. When criticism of this nature is constructive it can make an individual aware of gaps in their understanding and it can provide distinct routes for improvement. Research supports the notion that using feedback and constructive criticism in the learning process is very influential.

Critical Studies and Critical Theory programs teach the method of critique, also known as “criticism”. Both theory and studies programs often sample new works in addition to the classical texts. UC Berkeley, CUNY, and Northwestern University offer programs in Critical Theory, while a number of other colleges and universities offer programs or sole courses in Critical Studies, Critical Theory, and sub-disciplines. Sub-disciplines include Critical Race Studies, Critical Asian Studies, Critical Black Studies, and Critical Disability Studies.[14] The term “critical” can be found in course titles concerning a variety of topics, as the term refers to a method or approach to course materials.

Some claim “critical” studies have a particular focus in their perspective or opinion, confusing the method of critique with individual critiques. The recent appearance of “critical” studies and theory further compounds the conflation of particular authors with the new method and discipline. Additionally, the method and disciplines are distinguished from analysis or traditional objectivist or hard sciences by their allowances for subjectivity in the perspective of the author.

Are you sure this is a good way to remove the comment? There are many other ways to describe this block of code. We shouldn't forget to provide healthy criticism. Criticism may also refer to an expression of disapproval of someone or something. When criticism of this nature is constructive it can make an individual aware of gaps in their understanding and it can provide distinct routes for improvement. Research supports the notion that using feedback and constructive criticism in the learning process is very influential. Critical Studies and Critical Theory programs teach the method of critique, also known as “criticism”. Both theory and studies programs often sample new works in addition to the classical texts. UC Berkeley, CUNY, and Northwestern University offer programs in Critical Theory, while a number of other colleges and universities offer programs or sole courses in Critical Studies, Critical Theory, and sub-disciplines. Sub-disciplines include Critical Race Studies, Critical Asian Studies, Critical Black Studies, and Critical Disability Studies.[14] The term “critical” can be found in course titles concerning a variety of topics, as the term refers to a method or approach to course materials. Some claim “critical” studies have a particular focus in their perspective or opinion, confusing the method of critique with individual critiques. The recent appearance of “critical” studies and theory further compounds the conflation of particular authors with the new method and discipline. Additionally, the method and disciplines are distinguished from analysis or traditional objectivist or hard sciences by their allowances for subjectivity in the perspective of the author.
setState(() {
copyToClipboardTimer = Timer(